Ghost Mice and This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb were staples back when I was in high school. I played Front Seat Solidarity by TBIAPB so much that I nearly had to buy another CD player just so I could have one to put something else in it. I had a burned CDR of Ghost Mice material that I played and played until I had memorized every song from front to back. Ghost Mice are a strictly acoustic folk punk band who can write some really, really great songs. They're one of the "rock star" bands of the Plan It X record label who have released a lot of great albums over the years while sticking to a strictly non profit ethos. The best part is the work ethic they stick to, CDs are sold for a measly $5, so quit being a miser and go buy something (lol irony). Collection One collects a lot of the band's early material from various splits. I'm pretty sure it's out of print, so that makes it alright to download this. Ghost Mice are one of those bands that stay in my constant rotation.
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