Imagine for a second utter, inescapable loneliness. Not the kind of loneliness that we manufacture in our minds and self pity, but true loneliness. That's what this game is like. It's been a while since I've played a game that really made me feel something and words could hardly describe the feeling you get when you descend those giant steps from the starting temple and see the vast empty wasteland that seems to stretch on forever. Instead of being treated to the uplifting sound of adventure that accompanies traditional RPGs when you step out onto the world map, you are met with nothing. You hear nothing but the footsteps of your horse, the panting of your breath, maybe the far off call of a solitary bird or the tinkle of a waterfall.
That is, of course, until you come across the Colossus. They are huge moving monoliths that arise out of the horizon. The creatures are seemingly benevolent, some little regard you as they march about naturally, and often times I was met with the awe inspiring and somewhat frightening moment when one of the massive beasts would bend their head downward and gaze at the main character with curiosity. It is then that the music starts. You don't know why you have to kill them, you don't know what they've done to deserve being killed. The only thing you know is that you have to do it.

A great game all around. And a great soundtrack to boot.
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