This weekend is Halloween, I hope everyone gets to dress up, eat candy, drink beer, get stoned, look at girls dressed like sluts, fuck said girls, and wake up in the morning saying FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH before returning to their bleak and uninteresting lives where they do things like earn money to pay bill or write papers to satisfy teachers. We often wonder why we go nuts on holidays like this. Holidays are the one moment in modern human life where we can truly break away. For just one day, on Christmas or Halloween or St. Patrick's Day, we forget about our routines and responsibilities and we become children again.
For a small moment, we regain those things that we once had. Daresay we have fun. We don't have enough fun in life. Lack of fun is probably the cause of most wars.
For the rest of us losers who will be stuck inside posting on the internet about how they don't care how much fun all those conformist sheeple are having, here's a post for you!
Only God Can Judge is a pretty different Andrew Jackson Jihad album. Thrown away are the upbeat singalongs in favor of a more personal sound. This album is like the songs or poems you used to write for yourself, that you would never want anyone to find and threw away some days later to make sure. A good album to listen when you're alone at night and can't sleep, and all you can do is crunch numbers and think. This album always reminds me of the things that are important.